2009 >
Posted: March 24, 2009
To mark “Europe Day 2009” and as part of the CCGES European Ambassadors Lecture Series, the Centre is pleased to welcome H.E. Margers Krams to campus.
H.E. Krams’ talk is entitled “Latvia in the EU: Preparation, Participation, Destination” and will take place in the context of Prof. Heather MacRae’s fourth-year “European Union” course. All are welcome to attend, however due to the space considerations, we ask that you RSVP to or 416 736 5695.
Time: 11:30 am – 1:00 pm
Location: Winters College 118 (map)
Posted: March 23, 2009
Abraham (Aby) Warburg (1866-1929) was a German art historian and cultural theorist whose research examined the legacy of the Classical world in the most varied areas of western culture through to the Renaissance. Warburg was responsible for establishing iconography as an independent discipline of art history.
For this roundtable, York PhD candidates Frank Scherer,
Karl Dahlquist and MA student Martin Parrot will be
joined by Prof. Markus Reisenleitner (Humanities) for a
discussion to moderated by Prof. Susan Ingram
Time: 4:30 - 6:00 pm
Location: 230R York Lanes
Posted: March 22, 2009
The European Politics & Society Workshop is a monthly, interdisciplinary forum for discussing work in progress. This month the workshop will discuss “Unintended Gender Consequences: Implications of the Deregulation of the European Airlines Industry on Gender Roles”, a paper by Heather MacRae, an Assistant Professor in York’s Political Science Department. (CONTINUE READING)
CCGES is pleased to present Jennifer Hosek, Assistant Professor of German Studies at Queen’s University (Kingston), for a talk examining representations of Cuba in films produced by the East German film studio DEFA.
Prof. Jennifer Hosek studied Comparative Literature and German at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and received her Ph. D. in Comparative Literature from the University of California, Berkley, in 2004. Her Research Focus was German culture post-1945 as refracted through Cuban culture post-1959.
Support for this talk has been provided by CCGES as well as the German Studies Programme/Dept. of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics and the European Studies Programme.
Time: 2:00 – 4:00 pm
Location: CCGES Meeting Room, 230R York Lanes
If you plan to attend, RSVP to
Posted: March 20, 2009
Dr. Ingeborg Tömmel is an expert of governance and policy making in the European Union and will be speaking on these matters to Prof. Heather MacRae’s fourth year Political Science seminar.

Interested individuals are welcome to attend, however, due to space considerations, we would ask that you RSVP to
Time: 1:00 – 2:00 p.m.
Location: Winters College 118 (map)
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