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The Canadian Centre for German and European Studies
CCGES > 2012 > March

Lecture: The Uneven Progress of CSR Practices in Europe: A Window for Public Intervention? – February 8, 2012 – 12:30 to 2:00 pm

Posted: March 12, 2012

The European Union Centre of Excellence project housed at CCGES is  pleased to present a lecture by Dr. Rosa Fernández (Applied Economics, Distance Education University of Spain) on the subject of Corporate Social Responsibility practices and regulation in Europe, entitled “The Uneven Progress of CSR Practices in Europe: A Window for Public Intervention?” on Wednesday, February 8, 2012. In this talk, Dr. Fernández gives an overview of CSR practices in a number of European countries and considers the possibility of public intervention to regulate CSR strategies.

To listen to Dr. Fernández’ lecture along with the response of discussant Prof. Andrew Crane (George Gardiner Professor of Business Ethics, Schulich School of Business), please click on this link:

All are welcome and light refreshments will be served.

Date: Wednesday, February 8th
Time: 12:30-2:00 pm
Location: room 305 York Lanes

EU Affairs Seminar: Exploring the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement Between Canada and the E.U., February 29, 2012


The European Union Centre of Excellence project housed at CCGES is pleased to present the EU Affairs Seminar “Exploring the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement Between Canada and the E.U.” As negotiations between Canada and the European Union for a comprehensive trade and economic agreement (CETA) enter what may well be a decisive phase, the European Union Centre of Excellence at York has partnered with the European Union Chamber of Commerce in Toronto (EUCOCIT) to organize a one-day seminar on CETA for Wednesday, February 29th (10am – 5pm) at the Ontario Investment & Trade Centre (250 Yonge St., 35th Floor).

This event will bring together key players in the negotiations, academics and representatives of a variety of stakeholder
groups including labour, agriculture and industry for a day of panel presentations and discussions examining CETA from a variety of perspectives. Details of the program are being confirmed and will be posted here as soon as they are available.

CETA Program – Final

Graduate Student Conference: European Union: Instances of Cooperation and Discord/ Union Européenne: entre coopération et désaccord – March 2, 2012


The European Union Centre of Excellence project housed at the Centre is pleased to present its third annual Graduate Student Conference at its Glendon Campus in Toronto, Ontario, on March the 2nd, 2012. This year’s theme will be “European Union: Instances of Cooperation and Discord/ Union Européenne: entre coopération et désaccord. The purpose is to showcase graduate student work and promote debate on topics relating to the European Union.

This bilingual conference is organized by York graduate students and faculty and aims to include contributions from graduate students in various disciplines such as law, political science, public & international affairs, gender studies, economics, public administration, geography, history and sociology, among others, and from universities across Canada and around the world.

Conference Program
2012 EUCE Grad Conference Program

Conference Poster
2012 EUCE Graduate Student Conference poster

Conference: Transnational Private Regulatory Governance: Regimes, Dialogue, Constitutionalization – March 1, 2012


CCGES and the European Union Centre of Excellence project housed at the Centre are pleased to convene the international workshop “Transnational Private Regulatory Governance: Regimes, Dialogue, Constitutionalization” for March 1-2, 2012.

This workshop is being presented under the auspices of the Comparative Research in Law & Political Economy Network based at York’s Osgoode Hall Law School and will bring together scholars based in Canada, the United States and Europe and from a variety of disciplinary backgrounds.


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