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The Canadian Centre for German and European Studies
CCGES > Students > Current Diploma & Affiliated Graduate Students > Nicolae Irina

Nicolae Irina

Nicolae Irina is a PhD candidate (ABD) in York’s Department of Philosophy. His dissertation is entitled “Ethical Responsibility and Faith: A Reconsideration of Kierkegaard’s Standpoint”.  It aims primarily at contextualizing Kierkegaard’s standpoint and evaluating it against Levinas’ understanding of the relation between ethical responsibility and faith.  He argues that one cannot adequately account for the validity of Kierkegaard’s point of view without a preliminary look at the ethico-religious groundwork laid down by some of the representatives of German idealism.

He wrote several articles for the international project of a multi-volumereference work, “Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources,” ed. by Jon Stewart, Aldershot, Hampshire: Ashgate Ltd., 2007- (
