The Canada-EU Bridge Project was an initiative of CCGES York which conducted research into the state of transatlantic mobility between post-secondary institutions in Canada and European Union member states. The research into these questions was carried out in two distinct phases during the academic years 2004-05 and 2005-06.
Phase one of the work began in 2004-05 with The Bridge Project. Under the supervision of Professors Kurt Hübner and Mark Webber efforts here focused on the creation of a comprehensive inventory of academic moblility arrangements bewteen post-secondary institutions in Canada and the Federal Republic of Germany.
This work was generously supported by both the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the Standing Committee for German as a Foreign Language (StADaF).
For more information on The Bridge Project, including access to the inventory of mobility arrangements between Canadian and German post-secondary institutions, – [click here->art701].
With phase two (2005-06), the decision was made to broaden the focus of the research to examine the state of academic mobility between Canadian universities and colleges and their counterparts in all the EU member states. At the centre of what was now titled The Canada-EU Bridge Project was the compiliation of a comprehensive inventory of mobility opportunities open to Canadian and European academics and students. In addition, this phase of the project also included two workshops, the second of which looked at the ramifications of the Bologna Process on transatlantic mobility.
Funding for this phase of CCGES’ research was provided by the European Commission Delegation to Canada’s program ’Public Diplomacy, Policy Research and Outreach Devoted to the European Union and EU-Canada Relations’.
For access to the inventory of mobility arrangements, please click here.
For access to files related to the workshop “Transatlantic Mobility and the Bologna Process: Bridge or Fortress Builder?”, including streaming video of the presentations made at this event, please click here