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The Canadian Centre for German and European Studies
CCGES > Current Projects > Past Projects > The Canada-EU Bridge Project > The Bridge Project

The Bridge Project

The Bridge Project was a research initiative carried out by CCGES in 2004-2005 which created a comprehensive inventory of academic moblility arrangements bewteen post-secondary institutions in Canada and the Federal Republic of Germany. This work was generously supported by both the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the Standing Committee for German as a Foreign Language (StADaF).

In April 2005, CCGES presented its work to a workshop of stakeholders and experts from both countries. This work was well-received and The Centre was encouraged to make its findings available on its website. Below you will find a link to the project’s final report.

Research Directors: Mark Webber, Kurt Hübner
Reseacher: John Paul Kleiner

In November 2005, CCGES was invited to participate in a workshop on academic mobility between Canada and Germany with Mr. Ulrich Grothus, Head of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) New York office, at the Canadian Bureau of International Education Conference in Victoria, British Columbia. CCGES presented The Bridge Project and highlight several Best Practices, while Mr. Grothus outlined some of the programs the DAAD offers to facilitate academic mobility both to and from Germany.