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The Canadian Centre for German and European Studies
CCGES > 2009 > January

1st German-Canadian Transatlantic Forum

Posted: January 29, 2009

CCGES is currently accepting applications from faculty at all Canadian universities to the 1st German-Canadian Transatlantic Forum, the successor to the Centre’s highly successful, annual Fortbildungsseminar.

The inaugural forum will take place on February 27-28, 2009 at CCGES York and the topic of the event is “The Cultural Dimensions of Climate Change”.

For more information on the event as well as how to apply to participate, click here.

Now online: latest issues of Spaces of Identity and German Law Journal

Posted: January 22, 2009

CCGES is pleased to announce that new issues of both Centre-housed journals, spacesofidentity and the German Law Journal.  Review of Developments in German, European and International Jurisprudence, are now available online. is an interdisciplinary, open-access journal about tradition, cultural boundaries, and identity formation in Central Europe (and beyond). After going “beyond” Central Europe in our summer issue, which with “the other East” on occasion of the Beijing Olympics, the latest issue returns to the multiple layers of identity formation processes in Central Europe.

Contributions to this issue include:

  • Eva Bodnar’s exploration of the multifaceted loyalties in the cartographic mappings of pre-1848 Hungary
  • Marcin Filipowicz on the concept of masculinity in 19th-century Czech literature
  • Natalia Barykina’s discussion of architecture and spatial practices in post-Communist Minsk
  • Inga Untkis introducing us to the unexpected presence of rock musician Frank Zappa in post-Soviet Lithuania

Meanwhile, the latest  issue of the German Law Journal, available at, contains a small Symposium dedicated to the English translation of the volume ‘Der Gespaltene Westen’ (Frankfurt, 2004; transl. 2006) by Jürgen Habermas. The greatly intriguing and thought provoking essays found in this volume, along with the approach of Habermas’ 80th birthday this coming June,  inspired the editors to invite a number of experts on the work of Habermas and on international law to share their views on this important phase in Habermas’ scholarship, the results of which are found in the journal’s latest issue.