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The Canadian Centre for German and European Studies
CCGES > 2009 > June

European Union Essay Prize Winner announced

Posted: June 3, 2009

11949890211029228051eu_flag_hash_0x8a0ab9c__01svgmedCCGES is pleased to announce that Steven Mantifel, a student of Political Science here at York, has been chosen to receive a European Union Essay Prize. These awards are handed out annually by the Centre to York undergraduate students who produce exceptional papers on topics related to the EU.

Steven’s paper on “Discovering Subnational Mobilization via Structural Funding” is an insightful look at how the EU can “create” and “re-create” regions in the member states.  Steven examines how structural funding can establish new networks of governance and alter social and political constructions.

Steven is currently continuing his studies of the EU in a summer school in Ulm, Germany. He will be returning to York in September to finish up his degree. He hopes to continue on to graduate school, pursuing further studies in EU thereafter.

CCGES would like to thank the Delegation of the European Commission to Canada for making this essay competition possible.