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The Canadian Centre for German and European Studies
CCGES > Performance: The Thirty Third Year: Playing Life

Performance: The Thirty Third Year: Playing Life

Posted: August 15, 2008

Following its US premiere in New York City, the independent theatre group “Theater ASOU” from Graz, Austria, is coming to Toronto for the Canadian premiere of its striking multi-media performance The 33rd Year: Playing Life by Robert Riedl. Based on the collection The Thirtieth Year (Das dreißigste Jahr) by the well-known and influential Austrian author Ingeborg Bachmann (1923-1973), the play is a parable about our daily self-dramatizations. In the text of the play, the borders between reality and appearance break down, reality and theatre intertwine, and the actor changes roles with the audience.

Time: 8pm

Venue: McLean Foundation Studio Room 244, Accolade East Building York University

Admission 15$ at the door

In cooperation with the Austrian Cultural Forum Ottawa and York University