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The Canadian Centre for German and European Studies
CCGES > Talk: German Unification and European Integration – Antagonism or Interdependence

Talk: German Unification and European Integration – Antagonism or Interdependence

Posted: January 31, 2008

Together with Calumet College, CCGES is pleased to present Dr. Wilhelm Bleek, Professor Emeritus of Political Science at Ruhr-University Bochum, speaking on the topic of the relationship between German Unification and European Integration.

Geographically located in the centre of Europe and without natural borders, Germany has over centuries either invaded its neighbours or been invaded by them. This vicious circle ended after World War II, when the Federal Republic, as the western part of a divided Germany, became a key actor in the integration of Western and Southern Europe. In 1990, its partners supported the unification of Germany under the condition of further enlarging the European Community to include Eastern Europe. Since 1990, Dr. Bleek will argue, German unification and European integration have become an interlocking process with benefits for both entities. This can be seen as a cause for optimism: A nation and its neighbours can learn from the past.

Professor Bleek’s main fields of teaching and research are the political system of Germany, the comparison of the two German states, the history of political ideas and Political Science in Germany and German-Canadian relations. He is author (with Kurt Sontheimer) of “Grundzüge des politischen Systems Deutschlands”, 25th ed. 2007.

Time: 3:30-4:30 pm
Location: 214 Calumet College

Light refreshments will be served.